Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why Can't I Quit You? Reducing the trash in my life

I am majorly inspired by the Zero Waste Home Blog, even if my cluttered, un-minimalist soul disagrees with their house's color scheme ;)

What I am doing to:
  1. Reduce
    • I'm paying attention to what I buy and what it comes in! I'm trying to buy less (do I really need that thing?) and to buy things in reusable, recyclable, or compostable containers.
    • Somethings in life are free and trash. I've stopped my junk mail, and I say no to free packets and return pamphlets after reading.
    • I'm trying to avoid plastic bags. I make plarn, but I can get plenty from friends and family who aren't trying to avoid them.
    • I'm also avoiding the dollar store, if I can. Dollar stores are often aren’t cheaper per ounce and have SO much excess packaging.
  1. Reuse
    • I'm sticking to my usual repurpose, upcycle, and donate cycle. Goodwill is my friend.
  1. Recycle
  • I know my local rules and am sticking to them.
  1. Sneaky Trash
    • Straws at restaurants. Sometimes I can't stop the server from giving me one. This is harder than it seems it should be!
    • Fast food is full of sneaky trash, so I'm avoiding it.
    • Bring your own leftover box to restaurants. I haven’t tried this yet. 
    • Bring mesh vegetable and bulk goods bags to the grocery store. I just bought some lingerie bags from the dollar store for this. I should have made my own or bought fair trade, organic ones but right now I'm all about the baby steps.

      Keep at it!
      One or twenty setbacks does not a failure make!

      Disclaimer:  It’s hard to “buy less” when you’re barely making ends meet. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, and all you can afford is fast food or things from the dollar store, please disregard my advice. Feel free to submit your own suggestions in the comments, though!

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